1.1 By law, the Council must have a Key Policy Framework. This is a list of plans and strategies which are relevant to the Council’s functions and are required by law to be determined by the Council, usually on the recommendation of the Cabinet.
1.2 The framework also includes plans and strategies that the Council has decided to approve. Unless otherwise agreed by the Council, revisions to the plans and strategies within the Key Policy Framework shall be determined by the Council.
2.1 Key Policy Framework comprises:
1. Corporate
a. Corporate Plan
b. Access to Information Policy
c. Compulsory Purchase Plan
d. Pay Policy Statement
e. ICT Strategy
f. Digital Strategy
g. Strategic Risk Register
h. Risk Management Policy
2. Financial / Budgets
a. Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)
b. Financial Regulations
c. Asset Investment Strategy
d. Asset Maintenance and Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme
e. Capital Strategy
f. Housing Revenue Account Budget and Housing Public Sector Capital Expenditure Programme
g. Council Tax Base
h. Council Tax Reduction Scheme
i. Council Tax Premiums and Discounts
j. Treasury Management Strategy
k. Investment Strategy
3. Communities
a. Air Quality Strategy
b. Community Strategy
c. Contaminated Land Strategy
d. Health and Wellbeing Plan
e. Health and Safety Enforcement Policy
f. Food Law Enforcement Plan
g. Safer New Forest Partnership Plan
h. Statement of Licensing Policy
i. Statement of Gambling Policy
4. Housing
a. Housing Strategy
b. Homelessness / Rough Sleeping Strategy
c. Housing Allocation Policy
d. Empty Homes Strategy
e. Greener Housing Strategy
f. Private Sector Housing Strategy
g. Shared Ownership Policy
5. Place
a. Cemeteries Plan
b. Coastal Strategy
c. Coastal Management Plan
d. Economic Development Strategy
e. Plans and alterations which together comprise the Development Plan
f. Minerals and Waste Plan
g. Waste Strategy
h. Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy
6. Any other plan or strategy (whether statutory or non-statutory) in respect of which the Council from time to time determines that the decision on its adoption or approvals should be taken by Council rather than the Cabinet.
All other matters not falling within the above list will be for the Executive to decide, unless they are required by law to be decided by the Council, or are deemed to be Non-Executive functions as a matter of law.